Friday, May 22, 2020

The History And Transitions Of Music - 933 Words

The history and transitions of music has had many talented persons that have influenced music but none are so well known as Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. All three of these great composers performed during the Classic period and it would act as the base of classic music for the next one hundred and fifty, to two hundred years. The names of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven are so well known that people who have little to no knowledge of music will recognize their names. The urban communities of Austria and Germany would find the settings from 1750-1820 that would become known as the classical period. The Classic period had many developments such as the sonata, symphony and string quartet along with a growth of opera houses and concert halls were abundant during the classical period. The â€Å"Golden Age† will later refer to this time of classical music. The works of Franz Joseph Hayden, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven will be everlasting in the world of classical music. There are many opinions of the three big composers that do not include Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, furthermore everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Franz Joseph Haydn was born in Austria March 31st 1732 and died May 31st 1809 at age seventy-seven. Haydn’s parents who neither one could read music but his father had been a folk musician had noticed his son had a musical talent. They arranged for him to start apprenticing to Johann Mathis Franklin inShow MoreRelatedThe History of Hip Hop Music and Its Transition to Popular Music905 Words   |  4 Pagesis a culture of these. This essay will examine Hip Hop from the point of view of the following three popular music scholars, Johnson, Jeffries and Smitherman. 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